July 27, 2023
(Scroll to the bottom to read more about financial support.)
Shalom! For the next 11 months, God is leading me to Israel working full time job as a volunteer in the Jewish community. I'm very excited to contribute to the many projects Bridges for Peace carries out in Israel.
The mission is an important one. Christians have a mandate to support God's chosen people, the Jews.
But first: Why Israel?
Israel is a tiny country in a tough neighborhood, surrounded by Muslim-majority states. Named "the Promised Land", Israel is promised by God to His people, the Jews. Over and over in the Bible it is evident God has a special plan for Israel.

In Zechariah 8:3 we read:
"This is what the Lord says, I will return to Zion and dwell in Jerusalem. Jerusalem will be called the Faithful City, and the mountain of the LORD Almighty, will be called the Holy Mountain."
When doubts creep in, I'm reminded that God is actively working in the world today. The main proof I see is the incredible surge of immigration Israel is experiencing within the last year. God promised his people they will return to "the Promised Land".
In the article Jewish Population Rises to 15.3 Million Worldwide, with Over 7 Million Residing in Israel by Jewish Agency for Israel:
"The Hebrew calendar year 5782 saw the largest number of "olim" (immigrants) in 20 years, with The Jewish Agency, in cooperation with the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, assisting 60,000 immigrants from 93 countries in making Aliyah (immigration to Israel)."
More Data
According to Jewish Agency data from September 1, 2021 to September 1, 2022, "26,000 olim arrived from Russia; 14,000 olim from Ukraine — majority arriving on Jewish Agency rescue operations during the war; 3,800 from the U.S. and Canada, with assistance from Nefesh B’Nefesh; 2,500 from France; 1,600 from Belarus; 1,450 olim from Ethiopia were reunited with their relatives in Israel as part of Operation Tzur Israel; 1,100 from Argentina; 600 from the United Kingdom; 500 from South Africa and 400 from Brazil."

To put these numbers from the Jewish Agency in perspective, here is a graph of immigration numbers during 1948-Present from Jewish Virtual Library's data. (Their website/library is a great resource.) In 2022, immigrant numbers spiked due to the conflict in Ukraine and Russia. Israel is receiving a huge influx of refugees in all walks of life; individuals, families, couples, orphaned children, and even holocaust survivors.
Gods Promise:
2648 years ago, the prophet Jeremiah told the captive Hebrews people in Babylon to see their exile as temporary. He invites them to see exile not as a short transition period but as an opportunity to bloom where God has planted them. Then comes the promise!

Jeremiah 29:4,
"And I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will return your captivity and gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will return you to the place whence I exiled you."
Since the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948, more than 3 million Jews have made aliyah to Israel. We are witnessing another historic regathering of the Jewish people. There was never a regathering such as this since Babylonian times, 2000 years ago!
Although I am young and only 18 years old, I know something is happening and I know I want to be part of it.
Bridges for Peace, like the Jewish Agency directly supports refugees making Aliyah to Israel. Throughout my time in the Zealous program, I would like to set an example to my generation, those before and after me - that we can work together to support those in need.

Isaiah 61:4-5:
“They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations. Strangers will be shepherds of your flocks; foreigners will work your fields and vineyards.”
Bless the land of Israel:
I know God is calling me to serve, I am relying on him for strength and wisdom as I plan and raise financial support. I know all good things come from Him; for if it is His will, all will be provided. For those of you who know me it pains me to admit I can't do it on my own. As you feel called, please consider supporting me prayerfully and/financially.
This is a great opportunity to bless the land and the people of Israel, allowing me to be your boots on the ground! I will be your hands and feet in the local community supporting Gods' chosen people.

Genesis 12:3,
"I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on the earth will be blessed through you."
Your Support:
Leading up to and following the big day of my departure, I ask for your prayers for God to work in and through me. Please support me financially every month! The current cost of tuition for the Zealous program is $7,500 USD. However, this is liable to change.
Tuition includes housing, food budget, transportation in Jerusalem, educational materials, and monthly excursions. This does not include airfare (round trip approx. $6,000), insurance, and personal expenses (i.e. clothes, personal items, eating out, and entertainment).
My total monthly goal for the trip is approx. $2,200 (minimum) for personal expenses. Any amount would be a blessing, but if you would be willing to contribute $20, $50, $100 or $200 per month, it would help me to reach my goal! With your support, I can pay for intra-regional trips, lodging, food, toiletries, all miscellaneous supplies and expenses for the time that I will be volunteering.
God willing I will be leaving in the next month. Your prayers and financial support are appreciated throughout this whole journey!
Sources: Central Bureau of Statistics.
Tamara Zieve, “Israel sees drop in aliya numbers,” Jerusalem Post, (December 29, 2016).
Cnaan Liphshiz, “Russia and Ukraine provided Israel with majority of immigrants in 2017,” Times of Israel, (February 26, 2018).
“More than half of new immigrants to Israel in 2018 not considered Jewish,” JTA, (January 4, 2019).
“Israel’s population at 9,136,000 on the eve of 2020,” Jerusalem Post, (January 1, 2020).
“4,000 US immigrants moved to Israel in 2021, the highest annual figure since 1973,” Times of Israel, (December 22, 2021).
“Israel’s population approaches 9.7 million as 2022 comes to an end,” Times of Israel, (December 29, 2022).